Labels:book | bulletin board | daily | door | earth | gazette | plant | reckoner | sky | windowpane OCR: In the "na tural greenhouse effect less solar radiation is re paa back 0u o f the tmosphere than is absor rhed The cause. proce tha al TIE mean due ra tur eS wi .thin sotar radiaton trappeu ea tmosphe ne cifica percen solar radia eartit's atmosphere is iined the ear t} and ou pher tha amount pe m hs rhed the phe and en ahsor he Sur face With radi quil ium tha wh .ch incoming sola ion ma tches ou inc rmal tion from the mean qlobal tem be would he -20 Ins tead the iean qiobal tempera ture ference sult the natural qreenhous effect which the our most Detai's on pIocess th longwave radia tion tha ers phert Thi raiaton fect occurs lar qe hecause minor const tuents trappeu 'in the the ear tmo phere ma in carbon dioxid and wa yapor atmosphere (tthe steps The cons tuents block out large por tion th ...